Friday, October 21, 2011


Good news everyone! I'm still alive and well! Anyway, I want to thank Chameleon for advertising our story online, and I also want to apologize for not coming on her blog as much. I have started a new blog called D.I.M.N Stories and I plan on uploading a ton of stuff up on there so you have a ton to look forward to!!
And right now I'm watching a really sad movie called Odd Girl Out and it's about bullying and I just want to tell everyone out there that BULLYING IS TERRIBLE! DON'T DO IT!
Anyway, that's it for today! So I'll see you in my next post!


  1. Lol of course it's a good thing that you're alive!!! xD

    Anyway, I think I've seen that movie before...

  2. Yay im alive! xD
    and that movie is really sad at some parts and upsetting at others and happy at others and shocking at others
