Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hey Everyone Out There!

Okay, yes i realize that it is about... *Checks clock* quarter to three in the morning. I know what you're thinking, "What the heck are you doing up at this hour??" Well the answer is that I took a nap today (a long one at that) and now I am far from tired, and probably couldn't get to sleep even if I wanted to. Okay, yes, I shouldn't be that bored. I mean I have been caught up with reading fanfiction stories for literally, the past two months and the one I am currently reading is very, very good, but I'm still bored. Don't ask me why, it runs in my family. Also, I've taken up a hobby of writing books and fanfiction myself, but I've been getting extreme writer's block. It's possibly the worst thing that could ever happen to a writer. To all you fellow writers out there that are reading this (I must repeat that I seriously doubt that you are), you know what I mean. A quick shout out to my friends HS (who comments anonymously) and Chameleon (Who has her own blog, I advise any readers to check it out). Chameleon, be sure to tell me when you get to the end of what I have so far of my book, please send it back because I know that you're fixing some grammar mistakes (I'm sure I need it as most of that book was written between two and three in the morning) I would like to have an updated version, instead of the version that has grammar mistakes in it. Thanks! Okay so yes I realize that this post is unbelievably long, but I need to ramble sometimes. I'm sure everyone can relate to me when I say that. And I also realize that no one reads this. But I like to feel like I exist. You see, my friend (Chameleon once again) made a good point on her blog, that I feel I must repeat. You see, she says that she makes a blog so that she can feel that she exists in this vast world. I agree, although my choice of words would be along the lines of, "I want to feel like I actually have a place in this crazy, mixed-up world we live in, man.". I'm pretty sure that anyone who is reading this is bored, and I assure you that you don't have to listen to the rest of it. But I'm going to ramble on about my life, just to talk about it. Yeah you're probably thinking "That's a whole lot of talking about yourself, pretty conceited if you ask me." and yes I realize that. But sometimes I need to talk about stuff you know? I'm sure that you feel the same way. Or maybe you don't. But at this point, I don't really care. So anyone who knows me, knows that I have moved around way to many times that I care to admit, or think about, for that matter. I will be starting a new school after this summer is over. Once again. In the last five years, I have moved three times. No I'm not saying this so that you feel sorry for me, that's not it at all, because I know that a lot of people have it worse than me, but I'm just talking about my life here, and you don't have go continue reading, because no one's making you. Anyway, back to the subject at hand. I mean sure, I tell my friends and my family that it's no big deal that I move so much, when really it is a big deal. I mean, yeah, I make new friends, I get by, but I want to go through life with more than just getting by if you know what I mean. I want to stay in one place for once, get stable friends that I can see every day. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my long-distance friends with all my heart, but I just want some friends that I can hang out with every day, and not have to worry about 'Well what if my mom comes up to me today and tells me that we're moving yet again?'. Are you with me so far? I want my life to be stable for once. Luckily, my mom says that this is the last and final time that we're going to move, and of course I trust her. But I also have a reason not to believe that, because that was she said the last time we moved, and yet again the time before that. This time however, it looks like we are finally going to settle down, you know, "Wipe our shoes off, hang our coats up and stay a while", settle down. Because I may seem like everything's fine and dandy, and I tell everyone that it's not that big a deal when in truth, it's probably the biggest deal that has ever come up in my life.
Alright, enough of my sad, sad sob story. So I'm really sorry if you were bored to death throughout this post. As I said before, it's really late--or rather early--so half my thoughts really aren't coherent at the moment. 
Comment, or don't comment, makes no difference to me. I just like to know that I make my voice heard.
Love always,
Yours Truly


  1. I think you just broke the record for longest blog post.
    Plus, you are a really good blog writer!

  2. Why thank you! I guess that comes from writing so much in my spare time xD

  3. Lol thanks for the shout out to me! :D

    Btw, I have a joke that only you would get... here it is, and I know it's not that funny lol but yeah...

    I'm stabler than you! (Not meant as a rude joke, I really hope you will get what I mean when I said that joke lol, so don't take that personally)

  4. Btw... it wouldn't let me comment as anonymous or with just a name and link, so I had to use m y Google account lol. Did you set it so no anonymous or just name and link person could comment??

  5. Hannah: idk why its doing that lol i didn't sent it like that
