Saturday, August 13, 2011

My First Post!

Hello any people of the world that may possibly be reading this at this moment.......
Sooo the first thing you should know about me is.... drumroll please..... I AM IN LOVE WITH HARRY POTTER! I even have a Harry Potter fanfiction story and everything! I mean its pretty good except for when I got lazy with one of the paragraphs.....
Okay so I seriously doubt that anyone but my friends is reading this... but if you are.... Kudos to you!! My initials are SPS, so if you wanna talk to me.... call me SPS, SS, or whatever you want to call me. So if you're reading this... which I seriously doubt that you are.... Enjoy! And please comment!


  1. Sweet blog....
    I love the background!

  2. Harry Potter rocks and was one of the best things that has ever happened to the world!
    That and solar power...
